Record Information
Creation date2010-04-08 22:09:54 UTC
Update date2020-09-17 15:38:51 UTC
Primary IDFDB011938
Secondary Accession NumbersNot Available
Chemical Information
FooDB Name2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one
DescriptionCoumarin, also known as 1,2-benzopyrone or rattex, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as coumarins and derivatives. These are polycyclic aromatic compounds containing a 1-benzopyran moiety with a ketone group at the C2 carbon atom (1-benzopyran-2-one). These investigations have revealed significant species differences in coumarin metabolism and toxicity such that the mechanism of coumarin induced effects in rodents, and the relevance of these findings for the safety assessment of coumarin exposure in humans are now better understood. The parent compound, coumarin, occurs naturally in many plants, natural spices, and foods such as tonka bean, cassia (bastard cinnamon or Chinese cinnamon), cinnamon, melilot (sweet clover), green tea, peppermint, celery, bilberry, lavender, honey (derived both from sweet clover and lavender), and carrots, as well as in beer, tobacco, wine, and other foodstuffs. EFSA recommended a TDI of 0 to 0.1 mg/kg BW/day. Coumarin is an extremely weak basic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). In humans, coumarin is involved in nicotine action pathway. Coumarin is a sweet, bitter, and green tasting compound. Outside of the human body, Coumarin has been detected, but not quantified in, several different foods, such as jicama, gooseberries, parsley, colorado pinyons, and tree ferns. This could make coumarin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. Coumarin is a potentially toxic compound.
CAS Number91-64-5
Predicted Properties
Water Solubility1 g/LALOGPS
pKa (Strongest Basic)-6.9ChemAxon
Physiological Charge0ChemAxon
Hydrogen Acceptor Count1ChemAxon
Hydrogen Donor Count0ChemAxon
Polar Surface Area26.3 ŲChemAxon
Rotatable Bond Count0ChemAxon
Refractivity41.55 m³·mol⁻¹ChemAxon
Polarizability14.36 ųChemAxon
Number of Rings2ChemAxon
Rule of FiveYesChemAxon
Ghose FilterNoChemAxon
Veber's RuleYesChemAxon
MDDR-like RuleNoChemAxon
Chemical FormulaC9H6O2
IUPAC name2H-chromen-2-one
InChI IdentifierInChI=1S/C9H6O2/c10-9-6-5-7-3-1-2-4-8(7)11-9/h1-6H
Average Molecular Weight146.145
Monoisotopic Molecular Weight146.036779433
Description Belongs to the class of organic compounds known as coumarins and derivatives. These are polycyclic aromatic compounds containing a 1-benzopyran moiety with a ketone group at the C2 carbon atom (1-benzopyran-2-one).
KingdomOrganic compounds
Super ClassPhenylpropanoids and polyketides
ClassCoumarins and derivatives
Sub ClassNot Available
Direct ParentCoumarins and derivatives
Alternative Parents
  • Coumarin
  • 1-benzopyran
  • Benzopyran
  • Pyranone
  • Benzenoid
  • Pyran
  • Heteroaromatic compound
  • Lactone
  • Oxacycle
  • Organoheterocyclic compound
  • Organic oxygen compound
  • Organic oxide
  • Hydrocarbon derivative
  • Organooxygen compound
  • Aromatic heteropolycyclic compound
Molecular FrameworkAromatic heteropolycyclic compounds
External Descriptors
OntologyNo ontology term
Physico-Chemical Properties
Physico-Chemical Properties - Experimental
TypeDescriptionSplash KeyView
EI-MSMass Spectrum (Electron Ionization)splash10-00kb-9700000000-7a649c1e257a7ad17b9d2014-09-20View Spectrum
GC-MS2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrumsplash10-014v-6900000000-3e901733dc003512f338Spectrum
GC-MS2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrumsplash10-00kb-8900000000-89e86d11a0dc2841af42Spectrum
GC-MS2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrumsplash10-014i-7900000000-25bab36f91f71ac65817Spectrum
GC-MS2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrumsplash10-02tj-9600000000-4a54f8d648a87a9c5811Spectrum
GC-MS2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrumsplash10-014v-6900000000-3e901733dc003512f338Spectrum
Predicted GC-MS2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positivesplash10-0gba-2900000000-12d24ebfbc2cbaa9d2e0Spectrum
Predicted GC-MS2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
TypeDescriptionSplash KeyView
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 10V, Positive (Annotated)splash10-0002-0900000000-6ef9288c71771dd567742012-07-24View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 25V, Positive (Annotated)splash10-0006-9100000000-93154d9b40c4d0fdd1ae2012-07-24View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 40V, Positive (Annotated)splash10-014i-9000000000-72ec22913d1d574be75b2012-07-24View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - EI-B (HITACHI RMU-7L) , Positivesplash10-00kb-8900000000-89e86d11a0dc2841af422012-08-31View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - EI-B (HITACHI RMU-6M) , Positivesplash10-014i-7900000000-25bab36f91f71ac658172012-08-31View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - EI-B (JEOL JMS-AX-505-H) , Positivesplash10-02tj-9600000000-6e4062e14fc72534c96a2012-08-31View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - DI-ESI-qTof , Positivesplash10-015a-0900000100-6ae81e23a1a6770a9f592017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Linear Ion Trap , negativesplash10-000i-9200000000-38161abf759afe5aa9702017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF , positivesplash10-0002-0900000000-c06b97954c5a847401e82017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF , positivesplash10-0002-1900000000-6f05165347e6221503b02017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF , positivesplash10-0f6x-8900000000-6e9532ad6b20b76b3d4b2017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF , positivesplash10-0006-9300000000-3f95abb339f5c1aea7902017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF , positivesplash10-0006-9200000000-c404268b480236aaf1972017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ , positivesplash10-0f6x-9500000000-da852779b618f093b7672017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ , positivesplash10-0006-9300000000-c29bd55b8ca9510aec2f2017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ , positivesplash10-0006-9100000000-161d49edf4310e8a785c2017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF , positivesplash10-0002-0900000000-3777f28f5438e1f091602017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF , positivesplash10-0udi-0900000000-bfe432f57faff8d623182017-09-14View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF , positivesplash10-0089-0000800900-d301ec3931fa0374d57a2017-09-14View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positivesplash10-0002-0900000000-e5519a8faf9232fc0fcc2015-05-27View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positivesplash10-0002-0900000000-a6dc6c6c3032891bd1342015-05-27View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positivesplash10-0udi-4900000000-139cc9674e0b2836e4412015-05-27View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negativesplash10-0002-0900000000-e1154242f99d56bc5ed42015-05-27View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negativesplash10-0002-0900000000-d6df7c01bbecf91182c92015-05-27View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negativesplash10-0udi-1900000000-961e88f9b351b2d27bec2015-05-27View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 500 MHz, CDCl3, experimental)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, CDCl3, experimental)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 15.09 MHz, CDCl3, experimental)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, CDCl3, experimental)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, CDCl3, experimental)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, CDCl3, experimental)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, CDCl3, experimental)Spectrum
2D NMR[1H, 13C]-HSQC NMR Spectrum (2D, 600 MHz, CDCl3, experimental)Spectrum
ChemSpider ID13848793
KEGG Compound IDC05851
Pubchem Compound ID323
Pubchem Substance IDNot Available
ChEBI ID28794
Phenol-Explorer ID635
DrugBank IDDB04665
CRC / DFC (Dictionary of Food Compounds) IDHBX68-O:HBX68-O
BIGG ID46647
KNApSAcK IDNot Available
Food Biomarker OntologyNot Available
VMH IDNot Available
Flavornet ID91-64-5
GoodScent IDrw1003831
SuperScent IDNot Available
Wikipedia IDCoumarin
Phenol-Explorer Metabolite IDNot Available
Duplicate IDSNot Available
Old DFC IDSNot Available
Associated Foods
FoodContent Range AverageReference
Biological Effects and Interactions
Health Effects / Bioactivities
EnzymesNot Available
PathwaysNot Available
MetabolismNot Available
BiosynthesisNot Available
Organoleptic Properties
Synthesis ReferenceNot Available
General ReferenceNot Available
Content Reference— Duke, James. 'Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases. United States Department of Agriculture.' Agricultural Research Service, Accessed April 27 (2004).
— Rothwell JA, Pérez-Jiménez J, Neveu V, Medina-Ramon A, M'Hiri N, Garcia Lobato P, Manach C, Knox K, Eisner R, Wishart D, Scalbert A. (2013) Phenol-Explorer 3.0: a major update of the Phenol-Explorer database to incorporate data on the effects of food processing on polyphenol content. Database, 10.1093/database/bat070.